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Blog │ Counting cards in blackjack

25/06/2024 16:00

Counting cards in blackjack, all the details

Is blackjack card counting reliable? We could spend hours and hours asking you questions like these, but...

As we at PepperMill are aware of your concerns, today we are going to address all those questions that are on your mind about how to count cards in blackjack 21.

As you know, and if not I recommend you to take a look at our blackjack guide, the purpose of this game of chance is to score 21 points or at least not to exceed this number, so for many users of our casino, keeping track of the outgoing cards is essential.

What is card counting in blackjack?

Blackjack card counting is a technique whose purpose is to try to predict or guess the cards that may come out in subsequent hands in a game.

Basically, by applying this type of strategy, and as long as you execute it correctly, you will be able to have within your reach an estimate of the number of cards that remain to be played and if they have a high value or not.

In such a way that, counting them, your decisions at the time of playing or betting will depend on each of the situations and in particular on the sum that we will have to make mentally in relation to the cards that have already come out and those that are still to come out, to find the opportunity and the right time to raise our bets.

How to count cards in blackjack? Card counting methods

Undoubtedly, within blackjack card counting, there are different methods, or rather techniques, whose common denominator is to set a fictitious value to each of the cards that come out, in order to subsequently determine the odds and, if necessary, to act correctly.

Among the best known card counting methods, we find the following.

High-Low technique or system

Undoubtedly, the High-Low system is arguably the simplest card counting method, or at least the most common among blackjack players due to its low complexity.

As far as its operation is concerned, this counting technique basically consists of attributing or assigning certain fictitious values to each of the outgoing cards depending on what each of them are, i.e., to the cards between the number 2 and the number 6, a value of + 1 unit is attributed; the cards whose numbers are 7, 8 and 9 are assigned a neutral value (0); and lastly, both the ten, As and the figures (J, Q and K) are assigned a negative value of - 1 unit.

In this sense, once the cards have been dealt to each player, and especially as several hands have been played, the player must make the calculations mentally taking into account all the cards on the table.

Therefore, and if we have done our calculations correctly, we would have two options:

  • If the amount we have counted is excessively low or even negative, it means that the probabilities of the figures coming out are quite high.

    • If the amount of our calculation is high, it indicates that there is a good chance that the next cards to come out will be low value cards.

      You should keep in mind that, as a general rule, blackjack is played with six decks of 52 cards, therefore, the fewer cards that are dealt, the greater the probability of knowing the cards that remain to be dealt.

      On the other hand, some more experienced players also use what they call "true count", which basically consists of dividing the sum that we have mentally done by the number of decks that remain to be played.

      Uston SS technique or system

      This is another strategy of card counting in blackjack, but unlike the previous one, it presents a greater complexity, therefore, its application tends to be more frequent among players who already have more experience in this game of chance.

      The dynamics and operation is very similar to that of the High-Low system, however, here the attribution of the value given to each of the outgoing cards is extended a little more, following the following sequence: to card number 5, we must mentally attribute a value of + 3 units, to cards 2, 3, 4 and 6, we have to add + 2 units, to card number 7, we would add one unit, to card number 8, a value of 0 is assigned, to card number 9, we would fictitiously subtract - 1 unit, and finally if the 10 or any of the three figures come out, we would subtract a value equivalent to - 2 units.

      In addition, another characteristic of this technique is that, depending on the number of decks with which we play, we must multiply this number by - 2, so that we would always start a game of blackjack, fictitiously, in negative.

      To make it much clearer, if we play with six decks, our mental calculation would start at - 12, if we play with 8 decks, we would start from - 16, and so on.

      Is it legal to count cards in blackjack?

      This is a somewhat controversial question as you should know that with the law in hand, counting cards in blackjack is something totally legal, but as a debatable issue that is, you should also know, and as is logical, that casinos are not very supportive of the use of these techniques that could be said to be very unethical.

      This is something that you must assess and weigh yourself, however, it is also important for you to know that, although they cannot prohibit you from making use of these techniques, what they can do is to exercise their right of admission, therefore, and once again, we insist that it should be a question that, even minimally, you should ask yourself, since you do not want to lose what you have achieved simply by using some of these methods.

      Card counting in land-based casinos VS online casinos

      One of the most frequently asked questions by the supporters of the use of these systems is whether their application has the same effects when you play in a land-based casino or, on the contrary, if you make your plays through online casino platforms.

      And the answer is very simple, since as far as its practice in physical casinos is concerned, yes we could say that it is considered effective, but as far as online casinos are concerned, we regret to tell you that it is a play in vain since, in order to guarantee the game, each of the hands are totally random because its use depends on a software based on probabilistic randomness.

      Advantages of card counting in blackjack

      Thanks to blackjack card counting, you will be able to be in control, or at least partially in control, of your plays within a hand.

      As you know, blackjack is a casino game of chance, and although applying this technique is not a one hundred percent reliable or successful method, it is possible that applying it can influence your decision making in a hand.

      So if you want to start practicing, in PepperMill we open our doors to you. Of course, always with responsibility. See you inside?